Friday, July 28, 2006

Once upon a time...

The beginning...

A long 26 years ago, in a cold February morning, a unique person exited the womb to begin life. At the time, there was no purpose. At the time there were no expectations, other than to live, breath, eat. There was no career chosen, no friends waiting, no love on the horizon. There were no failures, no successes, no chance at humiliation. There was only looks of happiness, overall joy.

However, this was not any normal day. This day was unique to all. This is a day that has lasting implications for the rest of the year until the annual celebration occurs again. This was a day that defines even the plans of a couples all across this country. This day was...


This moment was summed up with just one quick question. One quip, if you will. My father, in his first reference to my life, looked the doctor right in the eye and asked,

"Hey, if he sees his shadow, can you put him back in for 6 more weeks?"

Then the journey of Duba began.


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